Friday, September 21, 2007

Homeward bound

Well I thought I better give you one last eposide of our adventures before I get home and bore you all with the thousands and thousands of photos we have taken during our seven month Pacific trip.
Yep, that's right we're back this Sunday.
The last six weeks have been awesome! After the chilly New Zealand weather we flew to Fiji where we enjoyed tropical heat and haggling. Those Indo-Fijians are the best salesmen I have met! Luckily we didn't end up being forced to buy some piece of wood-wormed carving tat with our names written on it. However, Tom did get approached by a market trader trying to sell him a shark's tooth - he was only after a cold drink.
To sum up Fiji, we spent our time snorkelling amongst the coral with fish that looked like they had fallen in a hippy's washing machine and come out wearing a tie-dyed t-shirt. Of course the all important tanning sessions. Now, I worked very hard to perfect this colour and would like to see some appreciation on our return (especially from the likes of Jan McCartney who I know is a pro-tanner herself!)
Besides beach life we also gutted fish, showered in the open air under the stars, caught a kava (a mild narcotic drink but a very important Fijian ritual) cold indulging in a session with our methodist church run backpacker hosts. We also made time to visit Levuka (on Ovalau) which is the old capital of Fiji. We hung out in the Royal Hotel, which looked like it came straight out of Hercule Poirot novel. It included 30s decor, ghosts and whirring fans (sort of Graham Greene meets the Shining).
Other actvities included a secret retreat in the Fijian rainforest, swimming and diving in a natural pool amongst the trees and hanging out with the son of a Fijian chief! The words Bula Vinaka will be etched in my mind forever!
As if that wasn't enough beach life for us we then flew to Rarotonga (Cook Islands) spent some more time on the beach, made some more great friends and got lost on a walk. It was all going so well. Tom and I and our walking companions Donna, Jason and Mary were all pretty pleased when we reached the highest point on Rarotonga. We snatched pix of the stunning views and were just about to head down when we bumped into the guru. I describe him thus but really he was just a tour guide with blonde dreadlocks who shouted to his puffed out group when they reached the top of the hill they were at the "temple". You get the picture! Anyway, he told us that we were taking the wrong route back down and to go the other way. He was a tour-guide, so naturally we took his advice. Well, our hike went from a walk in the park to Indiana Jones-style fight for survival. At one point I thought cannabalism could well be in order. No, but seriously our way down was a vertical slope in which vines and rocks were our only aid from tumbling down. We then had to wade through a stream all the way out of the forest, fighting our way through vines and trees all the while. But we made it out and were still friends by the end of it!
And now I turn, before I bore you senseless, to our last two weeks in the USA. We spent last week hanging out with my aunt and cousins in sunny Santa Barbara, California. It involved a hike up Rattle Snake Canyon (heard some rattling but no sightings), eating burgers, coming face-to-face with blue whales and humpback whales and a pod of 3,000 dolphins around Santa Barbara bay on one hell of an incredible trip, lots of laughter, eating more burgers and cruising passed the abodes of the Beach Boys in my cousin's 57 Chevvy known as a "Hot Rod".
We took a scenic trip up the Big Sur and arrived in San Francisco just in time to catch an open air showing of Rebel Without a Cause. Oh, I should also mention I managed to book us into San Francisco's hood. Here, even the trainers on your feet aren't safe! The scene is one of such depravity, good ol' Dickens would have a literary fit!
In 'Frisco we did time at Alcatraz but they let us back out again and walked the Golden Gate Bridge (which I must say was more rusty brown). I confess I have also become a small-time shopping addict.
But the most surreal moment has to be yesterday's trip to Yosemite. We nearly didn't make it all, when after a short stop our soya-bean fuelled tour van refused to restart. But those environmentalists are not just pretty faces and soon got our group back on the road. However, next time I suggest they use chilli or baked-beans to get on the move!
On arrival of Yosemite, at the sight of these granite monsters my mind when to mush. Yes, El Cap and Half Dome are the big daddies but the rock everywhere in this place is mind blowing. One day in the valley? Nah, you definately need longer and I am sure I will be back, but maybe not to climb the above! It was the perfect place to end our stay.
Over and out
Caroline and Tom xxxx

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